Thursday, February 19, 2009

does it will become reality? hahaha doesn't make sense!

hahaha the story is like this,

one day while recess (in school), i was sitting next to lyna and nabilla. nabilla was eating like hell thousand yearss never eat hahaha and lyna was soo hungry and she was begging nabilla to give her some nasi lemak and guess what, nabilla won't give it haha and she said, kau pegi lah beli sndri aku lapar nihh haha nabilla lupa psl PROGRAM DIET dia ngn aku haha kejam.
but then, i was just watching them fighting and argue and fighting with each other and bla3 and all of a sudden, that spiderman haha came and sat beside me. i was soo surprised apahal ngn mamat ni kan hahaha the other students were just looking and staring at us and thats frightened me haha but then he was soooooooooooo cute! grr :D u drive me crazyyyyy hahahahaha *cairrrrrrrr :)) then, he invite me to share a plate of nasi lemak with him and huh? biar betul budak ni tkde angin tkde ribut tetibe jee hahahahaha agak segan but i just eat some. pssttttt, the one we like kalau dia ajak share makan tak kan tak nak kan? cewahh hahaha -.- then after finished, i was like, pahal dia ni tak blah lg kan haha then i said, if nk naik class dlu pegi lah *gagap wehh haha then he replied, its okay. i nk naik dgn u aloloh comel jeee hahaha handsomee grr cairr lagi nihh hahaha then one of his friends called him and he got to go. then he said byebye haha comelllllllllll! hehe :D

act, it is just a dream hahahahahaha which i won't forget, perhapss hahaha :D

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